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In the morning you need to clean your hands and mouth, and then make sure you are eating your breakfast food, and then go to bed again.

1. Drink water and clean your mouth

In the morning eat your breakfast food, and then go sleep.

2. Wash your mouth

After cleaning your mouth, wash your teeth and your face

In the afternoon your mouth should be clean from all things, and then go to sleep.

3. Get to bed

Your head/body should be completely clean from all diseases, illnesses and illnesses, and you should go to bed and sleep as soon as possible.

When you wake up, you should feel good; if not feel good.

4. Eat dinner

Once again eat dinner and go to bed and sleep as soon as possible.

5. Drink water and drink your food

In the evening eat your food and go to bed again

6. Clean your hands and mouth

In the evening you will clean your hands and mouth to a certain extent to allow your body to fully recover.